Οι Αμερικανοί metalcorers Chimaira ανακοίνωσαν δύο νέα μέλη στην μπάντα, τον μπασίστα Jeremy Creamer και τον κιθαρίστα Matt Sziachta.
Οι Chimaira κυκλοφόρησαν το έκτο studio album τους "The Age of Hell" τον Αύγουστο του 2011, ενώ βρίσκονται ήδη σε ευρωπαική περιοδεία προώθησής του, που θα συνεχιστεί και το 2012.
"We are proud to announce the addition of Matt Szlachta and Jeremy Creamer to Chimaira.
The plan was to build an undeniable string section and we have done just that.
Jeremy will be pounding on the bass, and Matt shredding alongside Emil on guitar.
As a way to say hello to the Chimaira fans, Jeremy recently remixed a couple of tracks from The Age Of Hell.
Go here and download the FREE EP and listen to the Allinaline mixes. (We’d also like to thank Dubba Jonny for remixing Year Of The Snake!) Enjoy this video of Matt messing around last night to catch a glimpse.
CCXII marks the end of an era, but it’s also the start of a new chapter. We look forward to 2012. Thank you all for your overwhelming, and continuous support.
- Mark, Emil, Matt, Z, Austin, and Jeremy
Chimaira 2012 "